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Membership Requirements

REQUIREMENTS FOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Associate Members may hold committee chair and normal volunteer positions. ALL new members must begin as Associate Members.




- Completed or enrolled in a college biology course at CSU, Chico.

- Overall GPA of 2.30 or better at CSU, Chico.

- Biology GPA of 2.67 or better at CSU, Chico.**

- Donate 1 hour per week.

- Pay dues each semester.



** Associate members do not need to submit transcripts unless they are planning to qualify to be initiated, and then only in the Spring.

REQUIREMENTS FOR ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP Associate Members may hold committee chair and normal volunteer positions. ALL new members must begin as Associate Members.


- 9 completed semester units of Biology at CSU, Chico.

- Overall GPA of 2.75 or better at CSU, Chico.

- Biology GPA of 3.00 or better at CSU, Chico.

- Associate Membership during one previous academic semester.

- Donate 1 hour per week.

- Pay dues each semester.


Unofficial transcripts for Spring initiation are due Wednesday before the initiation ceremony.

Hours Guidelines


No one shall be initiated unless he or she has completed a minimum of 14 hours of service for Omicron Theta Epsilon in the semester immediately preceding initiation, and is actively pursuing hours in the semester of initiation. Omicron feels that 14 hours is not an undue burden, and depends upon the efforts of its members to maintain its existence



1) Coffee Stand

2) Weekly Coffee Stand Clean-up

3) Friday Seminar Set-up/Clean-up

4) Tutoring

5) Bringing Cookies for Friday Seminar

6) Tours

7) Party Clean-up

8) Endangered Species Fair/Environmental Fair

9) Other announced activities - plant sales, posting flyers, etc.



(1) through (3) are regular, weekly hours, and are assigned in shifts for each semester. If adhered to, a shift will cover the hours requirement for that semester.

(4) is worth 2 hours for each hour of tutoring help provided. Tutors who are paid for their time do not receive Omicron credit for tutoring hours.

(5) is worth an hour for each week in which cookies are supplied, but credit shall not exceed three hours in any given semester.

(6) shall count for two hours of credit for each hour spent. With a minimum of two hours awarded for each tour.

(9) includes any hours opportunities which may come up, and for which hours weighting will be determined individually. These opportunities will be announced.

Any weekend tasks shall be awarded three credit hours for each hour spent. Weekend tasks include (7), (8), and (9) where specified.



It is each members responsibility to ensure that he or she has completed the requisity number of hours in any given semester. Any questions regarding the number of hours completed or left to complete should be referred to the Member at Large. If a member has a schedule conflift which interfere with taking schedule weekly hours, or is having difficulty fulfilling his or her commitment through weekend hours, he or she shoudl contact an Omicron executive for other options. Said request shall be presented no later than three months before the end of the semester for seven to thirteen hours, and no later than one month before the end of the semester for six hours and less.



Omicron is an organization by students and for students, and therefore endeavors to make things as easy as possibly for its members and prospective members. If a member approaches an officer with a request for hours options, within the time restrictions mentioned above, Omicron shall provide a way to fulfill the hours requirement. If Omicron cannot provide a reasonable opportunity for hours, the number of hours in question shall be awarded to the requesting member.

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