Seminar Series
Join the Department of Biological Sciences for their annual Award Presentation on Friday, May 13th, 2016 from 4pm-5pm in Holt 170.
Dept. of Biological Sciences Student Talks “Mobilizing mercury with microbial rust” Charles Brooke (Fleming-Nuester Lab) “Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell development can be manipulated with drugs” Francis Wright (Stachura Lab) “Marine micro-predator prefers sugar-coated prey” Sean Cobb (Wolfe Lab)
Lauren Atwell, PhD Dept. of Nutrition Chico State “Roles of nutrients and phytochemicals in human health”
Maeli Melotto, PhD Dept. of Plant Sciences UC Davis “Cross-kingdom molecular battles in the phyllosphere”
Dr. Doug Risser Dept. of Biological Sciences University of the Pacific “Gliding motility in filamentous cyanobacteria”
Dr. Paolo Segre Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University “Animal maneuvering performance: ecological correlates and physiological constraints”
Dr. Andrew Reams Dept. of Biological Sciences Sacramento State University “Rapid evolution through common genomic rearrangements”
Dr. Feng He Dept. of Kinesiology Chico State “Antioxidant Supplementation, Muscle Damage, Oxidative Stress, and Leukocyte”